Saturday, September 8, 2012


Hey everyone.  I am so sorry that I just am finally able to post again.  Life has been crazy here and the time has been flying by so quickly! 

I have officially completed my first week of teaching and it is amazing!  I have 31 gorgeous children and love every minute with them.  There are a few of them that well I have issues with them talking but that is slowly getting better.  I am trying to find that line of what I discpline what I dont and just how to go about it.  It is extremely hard sometimes! But I think it will continue to get better as the school year goes on!

We still havent recieved that boat yet (it is supposed to arrive tomorrow) but.... that means we still wont get our items for another week so I am still living out of just two suitcases which is crazy to be doing.  I cant believe it has been a month and I have been suriving on what I have! :P  That shows that all this materialistic stuff is just stuff and we dont need it to truly survive!  I will be happy though when the boat does come because it has everyones food on it as well.  For the last month we have not really had anything at all in our fridge and well I have been eating a lot of eggs for dinner.  We have lunch at Roger and Normas which I am so blessed for to be able to eat meat there because when I come home well we dont have any meat at our house and well there isnt any on our order on the boat (my roommates are vegiterians and didnt order any when they did their purchasing) but hey I will survive! :)  I cant find chicken, goat and pig all around Haiti! :)  I would eat the fish but well they catch the tropical colorful fish and I am not sure about eating it if I dont even know what specific kind of fish that it is. lol

The other teachers and I are starting to become closer and we have started a bible study group for the women on every other saturday that I look forward to.  My roommates and I have also decided to do devotion together mon-thursday at 8pm.  That makes me smile because I was praying for that after I got here that we would be able to come together as a "family" in this house and do that! :)  There are still plenty of moments that I kinda feel lonely and I am not sure why that exactly is.  Maybe its because well everyone else knows each other very well here and maybe it is just because I am the new one, I dont know.  That or sometimes its just because of the laguage barrier between the local haitians and I.  I would love to be able to walk about and have a conversation with my neighbors, but most I can say is Bonswa or Bonjou (Good morning, good evening) and sometimes I can say how are you doing, but then that kinda gets them to say more then just I am good so I cant understand it! :(  I am praying that sometime soon I will be able to overcome this new foreign language and atleast carry on a small conversation with the locals!

I know that with God all things are possible and I just continue to have faith in Him and to remember that He can do all things!

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