Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Years Goal List! :)

After lots of dreaming about this year…and praying about what 2012 holds, here are some of my personal goals.

Hanging out with my girl friends a lot more!!! (social)When you get working and starting several different groups you start to not realize just how much time you have stopped spending with friends.  I think it is finally time to make those occasional lunch "appts." or just hanging out and doing craft time.

Intentionally move 3-4 times a week (physical)I say this because I realize that I sit at a desk working on designs on the computer so I am not one that is moving around a lot.  So I need to start actually moving.... yoga... Pilate's... swimming... taking a walk... going to the gym!  Its time to start moving!

Start a garden (C.O.O.)I am excited about this one, but at the same time I keep thinking I don't have a house of my own so its a little harder then it seems like to start gardening.  Then I started doing some looking around on DIY projects and I can do a small outdoor garden by using either some pallets or going and buy like a feeding troph and make it in there.  And of course if the outside garden just doesn't seem to work out then I can do an indoor garden or at least do a little bit of planting! :)

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Do a devotional study throughout the year (spiritual)I know a lot of people seem that they don't want to make it a goal to read the bible in a year, but that really is a big goal of mine.  I just need to focus and give God his time and it will all fall into place.  To make a side note on this goal I am also determined that everyday I at least read something spiritual... this meaning a bible verse or a inspirational book or something that touches the hard that relates to God's words.

Do a lot of traveling this year!!! (adventure)I say this because growing up I have not really been able to adventure a lot.  I have always had a desire to do so, but just haven't seemed to be able to get out there.  I love visiting new locations in the area (which I need to do more often too), but I am talking about jumping on a bus, flying in a plane, riding on a train or driving a distance in the car and going out to visit new places.  Outdoor parks, art museums, festivals, body of water, the list can go on!  Of course its also going to be a goal of mine to document the places that I go and visit (I guess its time to start scrap booking as well :p.....)

Work on more DIY crafts (creative)I continually talk about I want to make this chandelier, I want to create these little candle holders, I want to sew these peoples.  Well its time to start just saying I want to and start to actually take action on them.  Start expecting some blogs on DIY projects starting very soon!

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I really love photography and determined to take more photos and post them on blogs(secret love)I really love photography. I used to even work on the yearbook for that reason in high school and then even worked for a photography company.  I guess when we start growing up you sometimes go away from the small things you love and start just focusing on your job or the big things.  It's time to start taking some more pictures (thank you mom/dad for the new camera for Christmas it will really help!)

I was thinking about posting financial, but all I can saw about finances right now is to just get the debt under control (student loans)!!!!

And finally, my personal Biggie of the year -
Give my will over to God
I know a lot of you who read that won't understand what I am talking about, but my CR family will def. know what I mean.  I have given my life over to God, but everyday is a struggle when it comes to giving my will over to him.

 I know many people try and have their goals down by the time the new year starts, but I find that I prayerfully consider mine well into January. I want to be able to scratch certain ones off that really don’t fit, or add new ones on that I think are important.

Enjoying the journey ~
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1 comment:

  1. I want to help you make that chandelier! That looks frickin awesome and I love making things too. Let me know if you want help please!! -Love, Rachie
